Import items in bulk with images

To import items in bulk with images you must first save your item bank CSV file. 

Click here to download the CSV template and for instructions on preparing or troubleshooting a CSV file for item banking

Preparing your spreadsheet and item images
1. Creating your import spreadsheet using the above directions
2. Add the item import spreadsheet and an "images" folder* to a folder on your computer
*Please note, the image names referenced in the spreadsheet have to exactly match the names in the images folder
3. Zip the folder 

Importing your item bank folder
1. Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Exams > Items
2. Click the arrow next to “Add item”
3. Select “Import Items”

4. Click “Choose file” to upload your item bank folder
5. Then click “Upload Now”

The items will populate into the item bank and can later be edited individually or removed from the bank. For instructions on item editing, please see:

Import Items In Bulk (without images):