Inviting users

Prolydian allows user/contact managers to invite other users to join their Prolydian team. Once the invitation has been accepted, the invited user can have different things in the system shared with them. The steps below show you how to invite users.

  • Log into your Prolydian account at and go to People > Users

  • Click the dropdown arrow next to the Create new button and then click Invite users

  • A popup will display. Enter the email address(es) for the user(s) you’d like to invite and click the “+” button after entering each email address.

  • Set the role for each individual user from the dropdown next to their email address or select a role for all users from the “Apply role to all” dropdown. 

  • Click the “Save” button once you have added all users and roles. 
  • The user will be sent an email from with the subject line of “John User ( has invited you to join their Prolydian team.” The email will contain a link for them to either create a new account or sign into an existing account. 
  • You’ll receive an email with the subject line “ ([email]) accepted your invitation”. Once you receive this email you’ll be able to share item banks and items with the user.