Disabling a user account

Disabling a user account

You can prevent a candidate or admin from accessing their account by disabling it. This is also the process used when you want to "delete" a user. Their account information will remain in the system, but they will no longer be able to log in or access their account.

(If a candidate requests to have their information completely removed from Prolydian please refer them to support@prolydian.com for assistance.)

  • Log into your Prolydian account at https://app.prolydian.com and go to People > Users 
  • Search for the candidate by name/email
  • Click the action menu (three dots) next to the user's name and select "Disable User account"

  • Note: If you are disabling a duplicate account we recommend adding "Duplicate" or "DUP" to the name/username/email so that it is obvious in the future why that account was disabled, and so that you can use the name and email on the correct account. A specific username or email can only be used on one account at a time.

For instructions on other common Users actions please see: