From this listing you can view and edit each certificant’s individual information along with their continuing education credits. You are also able to override renewal rules and update their certificate and contact information.
- Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Credentials > Certifications
- Search for the desired certificant person
- Click on their name to access the following information
- On the “Certificant Details” tab the certificate information can be updated
On the “Contact Info” tab the individual's personal information can be updated *Please note that the name displayed here will be the name on their certificate*
On the “Conferral/Renewals” tab click the three dots next to a listing to amended or remove a certificate or renewal
On the “Continuing education” tab click the three dots next to a listing to amended or remove a continuing education credit
Additional certificant actions
From this menu you’re able to amend the certificant and certificate information. You can also renew, suspend, or deactivate a credential; and mark the certificant as “Retired.”
- Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Credentials > Certifications
- Search for the desired certificant person
- Click on the three dots to the left of their name
- Click on the desired action
Conferring a credential
Credentials can be administratively conferred to a user without the user needing to pass an exam/submit an application within the Prolydian system.
- Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Credentials > Certifications
- Click the arrow next to “Export” and select “Confer a credential”
- Search for a user and click on their name
- Choose the desired credential and enter the details
- Click “Save”
Adding Continuing Education Credits
Credits can be added manually to a user's certification.
- Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Credentials > Certifications
- Search for the desired certificant person and click on their entry
Open the Continuing Education tab and click on the Create new button
Once the Amend Completion window opens, fill in all required information
- Click "Save"
Exporting a certificant list
This function allows you to export a spreadsheet of all certificants that shows their contact information as well as their certification status and certification dates.
- Log into your Prolydian account at and go to Credentials > Certifications
- Filter the results if desired
- Click on “Export” at the top of the page to download an .xlsx file to your computer